May 24, 2016

Viruses and bacteria in Th2 biased allergic airway disease

  1. Feng Lan, 
  2. Nan Zhang, 
  3. Elien Gevaert,
  4. Luo Zhang3 and
  5. Claus Bachert
Allergic airway diseases are typically characterized by a type 2-biased inflammation. Multiple distinct viruses and bacteria have been detected in the airways. Recently, it has been confirmed that the microbiome of allergic individuals differs from those of healthy subjects, showing a close relationship with the type 2 response in allergic airway disease.
In this paper, we summarize recent findings on the prevalence of viruses and bacteria in type 2-biased airway diseases and on mechanisms employed by viruses and bacteria in propagating type 2 responses. The understanding of the microbial composition and post-infectious immune programming is critical for the reconstruction of the normal microflora and immune status in allergic airway diseases.

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