November 11, 2015

Asthma and dietary intake: an overview of systematic reviews EAACI Diet, Lifestyle and Asthma Task Force

  1. Vanessa Garcia-Larsen1,*
  2. Stefano R Del Giacco2
  3. André Moreira3,4
  4. Matteo Bonini5,
  5. David Charles1
  6. Tim Reeves6
  7. Kai-Håkon Carlsen7
  8. Tari Haahtela8
  9. Sergio Bonini9,
  10. João Fonseca4
  11. Ioana Agache10
  12. Nikolaos G Papadopoulos11 and
  13. Luís Delgado3,4


Epidemiological research on the relationship between diet and asthma has increased in the last decade. Several components found in foods have been proposed to have a series of antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can have a protective effect against asthma risk.
Several literature reviews and critical appraisals have been published to summarise the existing evidence in this field. In the context of this EAACI Lifestyle and asthma Task Force, we summarise the evidence from existing systematic reviews on dietary intake and asthma, using the PRISMA guidelines. We therefore report the quality of eligible systematic reviews and summarise the results of those with an AMSTAR score ≥32. The GRADE approach is used to assess the overall quality of the existing evidence. This overview is centred on systematic reviews of nutritional components provided in the diet only, as a way to establish what type of advice can be given in clinical practice and to the general population on dietary habits and asthma.

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