August 15, 2022

Prevalence of reported food allergies in Brazilian preschoolers living in a small Brazilian city

  • Research
  • Open Access

Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology volume 18, Article number: 74 (2022

For positive responses, a second, more detailed and validated questionnaire was completed.

A total of 412 questionnaires were returned, of which, 47 presented a positive response to food allergies and only 29 (7.04%) identified a particular food. The most frequently reported food items were shrimp, mollusks, pork, fruit and milk. Of the 29 who identified foods, 22 responded to the detailed questionnaire, resulting in only 4 (0.97%) positive responses. Of these, two were later discarded through clinical examinations and an open oral provocation test, resulting in a final prevalence of 0.48% of confirmed food allergies.


The prevalence of reported food allergies was lower than that described in previous studies. The most commonly mentioned foods were shrimp, mollusks and pork, with more reports of multiple food allergies, even in children who had never been previously exposed to these possible allergens, which highlights the relevance of perception in reported food allergy studies.

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