June 21, 2024

COFAITH and COMFA: A Collective Roadmap for Past and Future Food Allergy Clinical Trials and Observational Research on Interventions

Protudjer, J. ., Munblit, D., Apfelbacher, C., Marchisotto, M., Cook, E., Capper, I., Rodríguez Del Río, P. and Comberiati, P. (2024) Clin Exp Allergy. https://doi.org/10.1111/cea.14522

COFAITH: clinical outcomes of efficacy in food allergen immunotherapy trials
COMFA: core outcome measures for food allergy


  • Recent initiatives explored food allergy outcome harmonisation, for existing immunotherapy trials and future clinical trials.

  • Outcomes common to both initiatives included desensitisation, sustained unresponsiveness/remission, quality of life and allergic symptoms.

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