September 20, 2024

A systematic review protocol: health economic evaluations of immunotherapy and biologics for food allergy management

Fong, A.T., Jacob, J., Protudjer, J.L.P. et al. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 20, 48 (2024).

To the Editor,

Food allergy is a significant public health concern, that currently affects an estimated 4–10% of people worldwide and the prevalence is thought to be increasing. Food allergy typically demands that those affected avoid consumption of known allergens, which contributes to requisite dietary and behavioural changes. In turn, such changes and the potential for severe reactions, contributes to substantial economic costs, including the cost of treatment, healthcare service utilisation, carers’ time and so on. These economic costs of food allergy are spread throughout families, communities, and society at large. With novel approaches to therapies and evolving discussions on allergy management, there are multiple knowledge gaps on the economic burden of food allergies and the cost-effectiveness of the various treatments available...

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