July 28, 2023

Advances in understanding of the pathogenesis and therapeutic implications of drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms: an updated review

Chen CB, Hung WK, Wang CW, Lee CC, Hung SI, Chung WH.  Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Jun 29;10:1187937. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1187937. 


 Pathogenesis of DRESS/DIHS.
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms or drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DRESS/DIHS) is one type of severe cutaneous adverse reaction (SCAR). It is featured by fever, widespread skin lesions, protracted clinical course, internal organ involvement, and possibly long-term autoimmune sequelae. The presence of high-risk human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles, hypersensitivity reaction after culprit drug ingestion, and human herpesvirus reactivation may all contribute to its complex clinical manifestations.

Some recent studies focusing on the roles of involved cytokines/chemokines and T cells co-signaling pathways in DRESS/DIHS were conducted. In addition, some predictors of disease severity and prognosis were also reported. In this review, we provided an update on the current understanding of the pathogenesis, potential biomarkers, and the relevant therapeutic rationales of DRESS/DIHS.


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