August 12, 2023

Identification of allergens in Artocarpus heterophyllus, Moringa oleifera, Trianthema portulacastrum and Syzygium samarangense

Clinical and Molecular Allergy volume 21, Article number: 6 (2023



It is clinically important to identify allergens in Artocarpus heterophyllus (jackfruit), Moringa oleifera (moringa), Trianthema portulacastrum (horse purslane) and Syzygium samarangense (rose apple). This study included 7 patients who developed anaphylaxis to jackfruit (1), moringa (2), horse purslane (3) and rose apple (1). We sought to determine allergens in the edible ripening stages of jackfruit (tender, mature, and ripened jackfruit) and seeds, edible parts of moringa (seeds, seedpod, flesh inside seedpod, and leaves), horse purslane leaves and ripened rose apple fruit. The persistence of the allergens after cooking was also investigated.


Allergens were identified by clinical history followed by a skin prick test. Protein profiles of plant/fruit crude protein extracts were determined by SDS-PAGE. Molecular weights of the allergens were determined by immunoblotting with patient sera.


A heat-stable allergen of 114 kDa in A. heterophyllus which is shared among different ripening stages and seeds was identified. Additionally, 101 kDa allergen in boiled tender jackfruit, 86 kDa allergen in boiled seeds and 80 kDa allergen in boiled mature jackfruit were identified. Five heat-stable allergens of 14, 23, 35, 43, and 48 kDa in M. oleifera, 1 heat-stable allergen of 97 kDa in T. portulacastrum, and 4 allergens of 26, 31. 60, and 82 kDa in S. samarangense were identified.


Novel IgE-sensitive proteins of A. heterophyllus, M. oleifera, T. portulacastrum and S. samarangense were identified which would be especially useful in the diagnosis of food allergies. The identified allergens can be used in Component Resolved Diagnostics (CRD).

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