July 14, 2024

Combining treat-to-target principles and shared decision-making: International expert consensus-based recommendations with a novel concept for minimal disease activity criteria in atopic dermatitis

Silverberg JI, Gooderham M, Katoh N, Aoki V, Pink AE, Binamer Y, et al.  J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024; 00: 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1111/jdv.20229



Current treat-to-target recommendations for atopic dermatitis (AD) may not include high enough treatment targets and do not fully consider patient needs.


To develop recommendations for optimized AD management, including disease severity assessments, treatment goals and targets, and guidance for treatment escalation/modification.


An international group of expert dermatologists drafted a series of recommendations for AD management using insights from a global patient study and 87 expert dermatologists from 44 countries. Experts voted on recommendations using a modified eDelphi voting process.


Overview of the AHEAD approach.
The Aiming High in Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis (AHEAD) recommendations establish a novel approach to AD management, incorporating shared decision-making and a concept for minimal disease activity (MDA). Consensus (≥70% agreement) was reached for all recommendations in 1 round of voting; strong consensus (≥90% agreement) was reached for 30/34 recommendations. In the AHEAD approach, patients select their most troublesome AD feature(s); the clinician chooses a corresponding patient-reported severity measure and objective severity measure. Treatment targets are chosen from a list of ‘moderate’ and ‘optimal’ targets, with achievement of ‘optimal’ targets defined as MDA.


Patient and expert insights led to the development of AHEAD recommendations, which establish a novel approach to AD management. Patients were not involved in the eDelphi voting process used to generate consensus on each recommendation. However, patient perspectives were captured in a global, qualitative patient research study that was considered by the experts in their initial drafting of the recommendations.


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